Feathered Queen
I've received inquiries about how to get prints of my photographs. Since photography is just a hobby for me, I wasn't initially set up to handle these requests. However, I truly enjoy what I do and want to share my work with others.
To make it easier, I’ve created an account and website with Pixels. You can visit it here: https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com
If you’d like a print of one of my photographs, you can find it there. If the one you’re looking for isn’t available, just let me know, and I’ll be happy to upload it for you."
“Industrial Eden”
Genre(s): Wildlife Photography
#photography #photographersofcara
#birds #nature #wildlife #cardinal #outdoors #northerncardinal
Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) #NorthAmericanBirds | #NorthernCardinal #CardinalisCardinalis | #Cardinals #CardinalFamily #Songbirds #PerchingBirds
: Photo by Frank_DiLorenzo
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Cardinal with a Wild Crest
There were several Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) this morning. However, this particular bird stood out because its disheveled crest resembled a crown or a spiked hairdo.
I don't always take great photographs, but when I do, you can find them at:
“Do not confuse my glorious red color for blind ignorance disguised as patriotism… I’m not an idiot” #NorthernCardinal #Resist #BlueResistance #Resistance #Democracy
Ms. Cardinal sitting pretty in her Sunday best - #NorthernCardinal
“I made dis for you… hopefully the hoomans keep protecting us birbs” - #NorthernCardinal
Gather Around Lads
The northern cardinal in the image reminders me of a school teach rounding up his students made of goldfinches and chipping sparrows.
According to the Galactic Imperial Decree, you are hereby commanded to visit my photo gallery at: