People in the Office: Why aren't you dressed up today?
Me: And be the ONLY ONE dressed up here? Don't think so!
People in the Office: BUT I WAS GONNA!
Office life so toxic. Kill me.
@sand I’m debating if I’m gonna dress up atm.
@biped808 Awww! Depends on the library... Adult library? Not so much. But a library with Kids? Totally. I'm dressing up as a big Pikachu pokemon tonight.
My kid is dressed up as a little Pikachu. My co-workers probably thought I'd wear the (hot) costume to work. LOL
@sand It’s a community college library! I don’t know why, but the last 4 years I’m the only one to dress up. I will do it though… for the students. But I’m not on the reference desk this year on Halloween, so it’s a bit less likely folks will see me. I’m gonna do it! Your posts motivated me and I motivated myself writing this.
@biped808 LOL LOL LOL YES! Honestly, it's been a tough year. Halloween gives us all an opportunity to be silly for a couple of hours.
I brought in a box of Pokemon treats for the office today - only the ones my kid didn't like and let me take away LOL. But while the office wouldn't appreciate a costume, they totally devoured the treats.
Happy Halloween!
@sand That’s really cool that you shared the pokemon treats at work. Our student worker and one other worker dressed up as well, so that was cool.