omg there’s a new #AskAMortician video!! just when i was pining for Caitlin content
omg there’s a new #AskAMortician video!! just when i was pining for Caitlin content
Why Are Funerals So Expensive?
(unfortunately I am late to viewing and posting this so the window for submitting comments to the FTC seem closed as of October 10. BUT that doesn't mean the conversation should stop)
'Can We Make #Funerals Cheaper?'
" Should #FuneralHomes Have to Post Their Prices Online? (And if so, how should that be regulated? Feel free to share your own experiences with this issue!), Should the Required Embalming Disclosure be Made Clearer? (And if so, how? Feel free to share your own experiences with this issue!)"
Where my Caitlyn Doughty fans at? #askamortician #DeathPositive