This is kind of scary.
I uploaded my profile pic to
This is a site, setup by a former Google employee to show you, how Google would interpret a picture of you.
The result is not 100 % accurate (e.g. that I could be targeted with alcohol ads, but I hardly ever drink), but found the exact location and enough to be worried if they analysed a set of, say, a dozen photos.
@mina Welp, I guess they've got me nailed. I kind of want to replace my bio with this.
"This paper creature, of indeterminate origin, exists within a low income bracket of 0-1 USD, seemingly devoid of any known faith. It harbors an unsettling curiosity, cloaked in its makeshift paper garments. Its existence is a hollow echo, a void filled with pointless activities of art, origami, collage and destructive tendencies such as lying, stealing, and vandalism. The political void it occupies is a testament to its utter insignificance."
Wow! This is a good one!
@mina It's like the old high school feeling of being mocked by someone who's too obtuse to understand what they're mocking, but with a polysyllabic vocabulary.
Although I'm genuinely curious about State Farm alien abduction insurance.