#Canadian #Legacy #Media: Hey govt, do us a solid and make #Google and #Facebook give us #money.
Govt: Uh, for what?
CLM: You know, because they have money, and we can't figure out how to get some ourselves.
Govt: I'm not sure...
CLM: You're #politicians, and you'll get to publicly stand up to #American #Big #Tech.
Govt: Sold!
Govt: Bill C-18 will make Big Tech #pay for the #privilege of #sharing #links to Canadian media.
@cazabon To quote the famous Yogi Berra, "It's deja vu all over again." How many times have we seen this result now?
Exactly. Remember in #Memento, when they did the #experiments on Sammy Jankis, giving him electric shocks to see if he ever learned to avoid those objects even though he couldn't make memories normally?
Our government is Sammy Jankis. Minus Stephen #Tobolowsky's charm.
I said many, many times that this #outcome was #predictable, and many, many people in fact #predicted it.
And now Canada's #government and #Dinosaur #Media are #shocked.
@cazabon I actually like following Techdirt.com. They are very good at covering all sorts of these issues. Just a quick search of link tax broight up the following articles:
If only people would listen to the experts.