There was a time in my life, maybe 30 years ago, when I would have crawled across broken glass on my knees for the opportunnity to attend the #CSUN conference. A friend is trying to convince Sarah to go, and she asked if I had any interest. Thinking about it, I actually don’t have much interest at all. There was a time when I kept up with as much of the access tech goings-on as I could. But, at some point, that world blew right past me. Now, when I read posts from knowledgeable techies, it oftentimes feels like they could be speaking Swahili. I’ve completely lost the plot, and I might be too old at this point to get my mojo back even if I might be so inclined. I don’t like it, it makes me feel like I just checked out, but it is what it is. So I don’t think it would wind up being a good time for me, except maybe crossing paths with some old friends. And, oh, those hotel room prices! #StickerShock to the max!