Hi, everyone! I haven’t been on the socials much for most of the last week. There’s a reason for that, although I’m sad to share it.
My Honey, Sami, has been diagnosed with Stage 3 #KidneyDisease, multi-site #BreastCancer, and possible endometrial #Cancer as well. We’ll find out more about the breast cancer next Monday, when we discuss treatment with their doctor, and we should know more about the endometrial situation a week after Sami’s next exam, which is also next Monday. (1)
@robinrenee This has to be overwhelming now, so whatever you are feeling is valid. If and when you want to share, I'm sure your friends and neighbors on Mastodon will be ready to listen.
@joewynne Thanks, Joe. I’ll be sharing as much as I can whenever I can, as we’re working toward a happy ending.
@robinrenee Glad to hear it!