An Eco-Step Toward World Peace? (a thread)
Global politics and our planetary #CcoCrisis rarely seem to be in sync, positively. But there is some good news on this front, well worth passing along, as detailed by Thomas Friedman in the NY Times, Dec. 6, 2022. Sparked by the US’s John Kerry, #Jordan, #Israel, and the #UAE have signed a new memorandum aimed at saving the Jordan River, never mind fostering peace in that regional political tinderbox...
Friedman reports: “The draft deal calls for the U.A.E. to bring investment capital that would enable Jordan to build a 600-megawatt capacity solar plant in its vast desert to produce clean energy that Israel would tap to expand its coastal desalination plants (which will soon provide 90 percent of Israel’s fresh water)...
...and pump some of that desalinated water into the #SeaOfGalilee and then down the expanded and properly filtered #JordanRiver, so it can once again be the regional water carrier that nature designed it to be.” -hps