The CPC are being instructed and advised by US RW GOP insurrectionists and seditious traitors: #CdnPoli #TrumpIndicted
Trump facing imprisonment: I WANT MY MOMMY! Oh, wait..., NO, NOT HER! COAT HANGERS!
Clay Bennett on #RepublicanDebate #Republicans #GOPDebate #DebatePresidencial2023 #Satire #TrumpIndicted #GOP #Trump - political cartoon gallery in London
@Yoshi is fundraising off of it.
#TrumpIndicted #TrumpArrested #TrumpIndictments
How to catch a Trump. Cartoon for Trouw:
Trump arrest
The Fulton Sheriff has just released pictures of Donald Trump being finger printed to accompany the arrest photograph.
The Sheriff has apologised for the delay explaining it was to do with very unprofessional behaviour by the arresting officer and his team. They kept wetting themselves laughing. There will be an enquiry. #Trump #TrumpArrest #TrumpArrested #TrumpIndicted
One for the history books: Defendant Trump. I have to admit, I was looking forward to Donny's mug shot like a little child for Christmas for an entire week ...
David Rowe on #donaldtrumpmugshot #TrumpIndicted #DonaldTrump #Trump #TrumpForPrison2024 - political cartoon gallery in London
Waiting For Fucko In Georgia…
Deluded cultists’ sign…a few tents with Trumpian’s…another sign that reads “PRAY”…many members of the media.
Pretty sure I heard Marge Greene squawking about Hunter Biden & Pres. Biden taking a bribe as VP.
David Rowe on #Prigozhin #GOPDebate #Putin #Satire #TrumpIndicted #Trump - political cartoon gallery in London
Morten Morland on #RepublicanDebate #Republicans #GOPDebate #DebatePresidencial2023 #Satire #TrumpIndicted #GOP #Trump - political cartoon gallery in London
Rob Murray on #GOPDebate #TrumpIndicted #GOP #Trump #TrumpForPrison2024 - political cartoon gallery in London
Steve Bell on Donald Trump’s expected surrender #TrumpIndicted #GOP #Trump #TrumpForPrison2024 - political cartoon gallery in London
Dave Brown on #RepublicanDebate #Republicans #GOPDebate #DebatePresidencial2023 #Satire #TrumpIndicted #GOP #Trump - political cartoon gallery in London
KAL on #Trump #DebatePresidencial2023 #republicanDebate #TuckerCarlson #cartoon #Satire #Trump #TrumpIndicted #GOP #TrumpForPrison2024 - political cartoon gallery in London
Christian Adams on #PakArmy #PakistanArmy #cablecar #cartoon #Trump #TrumpIndicted #GOP #GOPDebate - political cartoon gallery in London
Trump's co-conspirators are flipping on him like Vanilla Ice working his job at In-N-Out Burger.
And we are all going to be here to see it!
Put a fork in that boiled ham.
He's done.
Ben Jennings on Trump’s risk of incarceration #Trump #TrumpIndicted #TrumpIndictment4 #TrumpForPrison2024 - political cartoon gallery in London