#Aphatie, #RTL, Les #Nazis et l'Algérie : Ce que révèle la polémique sur l'état de nos médias
#Poland's #EU minister #Nazis roots are showing.
> “You’re laughing here while we’re talking about the deaths of I don’t know how many #Palestinians.”
Belgian MEP Marc Botenga lashed out at Poland’s EU Minister Adam Szlapka for laughing during a debate on the deteriorating humanitarian situation in #Gaza <
Today in History, March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein was born. In addition to being one of the most significant physicists of all time, he was also a pacifist. Yet his letter to President Roosevelt warning of the Nazi progress on atomic weapons research was arguably key to the U.S. implementation of the Manhatton Project, a decision he later lamented. In 1955, well after the Cold War and nuclear arms race had begun, he and ten other intellectuals and scientists, including other Nobel Prize laureates, like Bertrand Russell and Linus Pauling, wrote a manifesto warning of the dangers of nuclear weapons. Einstein also participated in the U.S. Civil Rights movement, calling racism America’s “worst disease.” Later in his life he began to support socialism, and he criticized the Bolsheviks for their barbarism. Einstein was also a Zionist, and supported Jews’ right to return to Palestine. However, he did not support a Jewish state, or an Arab state, to replace Mandatory Palestine. Rather, he wanted a free, bi-national Palestine in which Jews and Arabs shared sovereignty, living peacefully and equally with each other.
In Österreich hätte der Nazi nur 6-8 Monate auf Bewährung und einen Händedruck vom Richter bekommen ... #justiz #justizproblem #faschismus #faschisten #nazis #rechtsextremismus #austria
today, #FascistAmeriKKKa is at number 7 on the "10 stages of genocide" list
WOW. you gotta read this!
clear proof that Hitler had directly intervened to transform not only the physical landscape of Europe, but the landscape of #memory itself
#politics #history #WarCrimes #Nazis #ThirdReich #HateMonuments #WW1Monuments
Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is steeping.
A cool, wet morn here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol. Meds are consumed, and I await kick-in.
America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)
Fuck you, boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.
Israel is a terrorist state.
Слава Україні!
Today's agenda: Same as it ever was.
For a guy who claims he’s not a Nazi, he’s a fucking Nazi.
Musk Retweets ‘Hitler Didn’t Murder Millions’ Message Amid Ongoing Nazi Controversy
The incidents used to justify antisemitism-specific offences had nothing to do with antisemitism, but the offences are to remain in place.
#BernieSanders turned in such a fucking #warmonger, #traitor of #democracy, the #workingclass and #peace itself. Supporting #Azov #nazis in public seems trending among #US #shitlibs & #socDems
The shame becoming global is of course worst than limited to #US #altMedia or #dictatorship like #censorship in @ukraine
Noch ist #Hugenmerz nicht Kanzler. Und ich halte es nicht für ausgeschlossen, dass er die #Koalitionsverhandlungen platzen lässt und versucht mit den #Nazis zu regieren, weil ihn die Sozialdemokraten dazu "zwingen".
@arnesemsrott @gareth
The supposed antisemitic crimewave used to justify antisemitism-specific offences and millions in funding to Jewish causes was in #fact staged.
Lawrence O’Donnell last night said that Trump has no mental function in his brain any more, there's nothing in there... "the poisonous broken brain of Donald Trump" - At least the media is slowly speaking out.
Steve Liesman called Trump insane on CNBC last night too.
@MEActNOW like the #NurembergTrials: #EqualJusticeUnterTheLaw also to the #Nazis, that is what #America is supposed to stand for....
#Nazis #LGBTQ #DonaldTrump #TruthSocial
Fact Check
Yes, Trump posted link that included Nazi symbol for gay men in concentration camps
Social media users shared screenshots of a post from the president's Truth Social account in March 2025.
By Amelia Clarke
Published March 11, 2025
U.S. President Donald Trump posted a link on Truth Social that displayed a symbol Nazis used to identify gay men in concentration camps.
Rating: True
The irony is not lost on me that the brand of the electric car I drive (VW) was literally crated by Nazis, yet Tesla is the brand most associated with Nazis in 2025.
Today in Labor History March 13, 1943: The Nazis liquidated the Jewish ghetto in Krakow.