Bobby Orr and Janet Gretzky have come to Wayne’s defense about the backlash surrounding his less than enthusiastic response to being the honorary captain of team Canada recently - how it hurt his feelings. How about Wayne speak for himself?
Bobby Orr and Janet Gretzky have come to Wayne’s defense about the backlash surrounding his less than enthusiastic response to being the honorary captain of team Canada recently - how it hurt his feelings. How about Wayne speak for himself?
How Canada’s nearly 50-year romance with Wayne Gretzky came to an end
"He's America's guy now"
Good read!!
No paywall here
Some of you will know this Oilers (& NHL) history (going back to the early 80s). I didn’t. I took 45+ years off from hockey madness. Glad to be back,
“…trios who found chemistry and success together over the 40 years of Oilers NHL history.” (This NYTimes piece is about 5 years old. Fun read.)
#oilers #nhl #letsgoOilers #hnom #yeg #Canada #CanadianClub #gretsky #messier #mcdavid
Wayne Gretzky attended Trump's victory party. Say it ain't so ...
Comment: as a Canadian/hockey fan, that betrayal is a tough one to swallow.
Sadly, can no longer support Gretzky.
#Trump2 #Trumpism #GOP #WayneGretzky #Gretsky
#fascism #authoritarianism #extremism
#antiLGBT #transphobia
#HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#capitalism #billionaires #libertarianism
#Christofascism #misogyny #Gilead
A pro tip on the use of a flyswatter. Remember Wayne:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
Don't hesitate. Don't aim. Just pull the trigger.