I've been using #WorldCommunityGrid for... wow... four years now. Where the hell did the time go?
As a #cancer survivor I'm pretty passionate about finding treatments, and that's one of the things #WCG tackles. But almost everyone I've ever tried to get interested in the program is against it and I don't understand why. Curious if anyone out there is using it besides me.
#Computers #Computing #Android #PC #Tech #Science #CitizenScience #Environment #Technology
@JesseF8693 I'm not against it. I'm just super paranoid about what I do with my laptop... *hugs* cuz it's kind of my entire life.
@lunar_fang I can understand being paranoid. My PC is my entire life, as well. Has been for a number of years. I wouldn't risk it if I didn't think this was safe... much less recommend it to other people. But... four years. I didn't even realize that much time has passed.