@MEActNOW like the #NurembergTrials: #EqualJusticeUnterTheLaw also to the #Nazis, that is what #America is supposed to stand for....
@MEActNOW like the #NurembergTrials: #EqualJusticeUnterTheLaw also to the #Nazis, that is what #America is supposed to stand for....
@AlexaFontanilla2024 @xankarn
When you blindly follow stupid instructions, it isn’t a great leap to following illegal orders
The Nuremberg trials (1945-6), held in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany, were a series of trials involving the senior surviving Nazis to hold them accountable for waging war and committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Second World War (1939-45). #History #NurembergTrials #NaziGermany #SecondWorldWar #HistoryFact https://whe.to/ci/1-23653-en/
@MikeDunnAuthor actually @SmudgeTheInsultCat is incorrect:
It's more like "Why people got executed after the #NurembergTrials & #TokyoTrials!" and "Why #MartinSellner and other #Nibsters has been banned from entry into #Germany!"...
24 führende NS-Täter wurden angeklagt, um für Kriegsverbrechen, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Völkerrechtsverstöße verantwortlich gemacht zu werden. Der Prozess legte den Grundstein für ein modernes internationales Strafrecht. #NürnbergerProzesse
Am 20. November 1945 begannen die Nürnberger Prozesse – der erste internationale Versuch, die Verantwortlichen für die NS-Verbrechen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Ein historischer Schritt für Gerechtigkeit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit.
At this #election, pause to reflect the wisdom of Nuremberg prosecutor Ben Ferencz
"it takes courage not to be discouraged"
* died 2023-Apr-07 age 103
* last surviving Nuremberg trials prosecutor
* advocate of international rule of law, est. of International Criminal Court
#BenFerencz #NurembergTrials #justice #SocialJustice #ICC #equality #peace #LGBT #HumanRights #pacificism #progress
Clip n. end, 60 Minutes interview w. Ben Ferencz (S53E41 aired 2021-Jun-27)
In case you were wondering, yes Canada does have its own empowered fascist movement working in lockstep with right wing politicians and the parties they represent. Although this particular story focused on the British Columbia provincial Conservative Party, the fact is that Canadian fascists with very close ties to various Canadian politicians who are currently favored to win their next elections, are currently organizing around the idea to, and I quote "hold Nuremberg trials" for their political enemies and public health officials who enacted COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates. That's not a joke, and lest you think that these folks don't understand what they're saying, the fascist propagandists pushing for this have all but openly said that they're talking about long prison sentences and even executions targeting folks who made them take some time off work and get a shot in the face of a global pandemic; please keep in mind that unlike the United States, the Canadian government actually did send people money to stay home. Of course, I don't think the nazis actually care about Covid lockdowns that have long since ended, so much as capitalizing on the anger Canadians feel about the pandemic in general and the animating force of Covid conspiracy theories. Furthermore, while these should be fringe ideas, the fact that mainstream political actors in Canada are openly humoring and courting the nazis pushing them, has brought this nonsense directly into the mainstream - even if those political actors have issued numerous less than credible denials of their support after the fact.
BC Conservative Leader John Rustad Suggests Province Would Participate in ‘Nuremberg’-Style COVID-19 Trials
"In July 2024, Rustad was a “special guest” during an online meeting organized by two anti-vaccine groups, BCPS Employees for Freedom and the United Health Care Workers of BC. Rustad previously made headlines after stating at the same online meeting that he regretted getting the “so-called vaccine” against COVID-19.
At another moment during the meeting, Rustad was asked by Jedediah Ferguson, president of UHCWBC and a host of the event, where the BC Conservative leader stood on “Nuremberg 2.0” – Rustad replied by assuring Ferguson that he would be open to the province “participating” in a multi-jurisdictional format."
Look folks, I dunno how many examples people need before they actually accept reality here, but the fact is these people are fascists, and all over the Pig Empire they are literally organizing around various schemes and excuses to kill their political enemies. This isn't about Covid denialism so much as it's about nazis wanting to murder anyone who isn't a nazi and dares to oppose their plans for permanent fascist regimes. The excuses and rhetoric change from time to time, often based on which country a given fascist movement is located in, but the proposed end result - creating justification for murdering their political opponents and anyone who stands up to them - never changes. As Maya Angelou famously said, "when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" and these far right reactionary movements are clearly showing you and the world at large that they're bloodthirsty modern nazis. it doesn't matter if you think they're batshit, it's important to understand that they're serious and actively organizing to enact fascist violence against anyone they don't like, for any number of purported reasons. We don't have to think those reasons are rational, because none of this is about rational thought whatsoever. It's political violence, revenge, and dominance in its purest form; the fascist "reasons" are nothing more than excuses to do real as fuck murders.
Hopefully one of these days we hold a 21st Century version of the #NurembergTrials except this time we hold it in #Jerusalem and instead of executing a whole bunch of Germans for #genocide and their #CrimesAgainstHumanity we execute a whole bunch of Israelis for doing the exact same thing some 75+ years later. #FreePalestine #JusticeForPalestine #IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelCrimesAgainstHumanity
@palestine @israel @gaza
I think the the last major trial we had for Genocide was the #NurembergTrials.
Tell me why I should believe the claims of all the Genocide experts online before I decide what I see is genocide without a trial?
@palestine @poligraf @NoBeret
@Npars01 @JessTheUnstill @DoesntExist @GottaLaff
>> Wondering if we will ever see trials for the billionaires who funded Trump, something like the #NurembergTrials? I'd love some "follow the money" prosecutions.
#FollowTheMoney will lead to #Russia and eventually to #China
Then we will nickname the trials to NuRenminbi Trials
If any of you still believe that waiting for or trying to talk rational sense into hardcore #fascists will help them to change their minds & be better human beings - I suggest you watch the #NurembergTrials of #Hitler's #GermanNazis & #Milosevic #WarCrimes trial in #ICTY.
There was no repentance. There was open disgust, arrogance & disrespect of international criminal court & court representatives by those genocidal defendants.
They went to their graves, proud of their evils. Unrepentant.
@aral 2/3 Among the most important evidence presented in the #Nurembergtrials were the two Posen speeches by Heinrich #Himmler to the #SS from 1943. The "motivational" approach when talking to his men in the first speech reveals that you got it exactly the wrong way around: The Nazis knew perfectly well that what they did was illegal, but they felt morally right - so to them, it was OK to commit mass murder "for the common good".
In their view, they were "moral people, breaking unjust laws".
@fcktheworld587 @Radical_EgoCom the #IMT aka. #NurembergTrials were done prior to the establishment of the #FRG and it's constitution [23.05.1949] so that doesn't count.
A world that is not safe for some is a world not safe for anyone.
Hartley William Shawcross, Baron Shawcross - Person - National Portrait Gallery
Today's random pluck from the UK's National Portrait Gallery is Hartley William Shawcross, Labour politician and lawyer who is best known as the UK's lead prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials.
"There comes a point when a man must refuse to answer to his leader if he is also to answer to his own conscience".
#NationalPortaitGallery #HartleyWilliamShawcross
#NurembergTrials #DavidLow
#UKHistory #BritishHistory #WorldWar2
A friend whose uncle was a US atty at #NurembergTrials studied this book as history in grad school and now recommends it as a manual against #autocracy here. Available on line. The author was a member of the Youth #resistance in Germany. Except about the author from Wikipedia.
#CrimeAndPunishment: Nazis on Trial
Nazis on trial | #DW #Documentary #film